As the Norwegians supposedly say: "There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes."
So, rather than retreating to the masochism of the turbo trainer and the digital zaniness of Zwift to prepare for next summer's Gran Fondos, pull on the right kit and get out in the cold.
It is not only possible, I'd argue that in some ways it's better than summer riding.
Don't believe me?
Here's 10 reasons to embrace cold weather riding:

2. Winter cycling is flattering. Hold on, stay with me. Bib tights use thicker material than summer shorts and tend to come up higher on the torso. Result — control-top compression flattening your gut. Any untamed bulges due to excessive Thanksgiving/Christmas turkey and booze are usually hidden by the layers above anyway.
3. Leg hair. Don't bother to shave your legs boys and girls as no one is going to see them. One chore less for those who normally go hairless and no self-conciousness for those of us that don't run the Mach 3 over the guns.

5. Views. Seriously, once the leaves are off the trees even your favorite and most often repeated rides offer up new sights and perspectives.
6. Slower. Not universally true, but winter rides — even the weekend group hammerfest — tend to be slower than in the hot months. It's the off-season, everyone's bundled up, winter bikes, hardier tires. There are lots of reasons and it's nice not to be quite so near the ragged edge hanging on to the back of the group.

8. Post-ride warmth. If your kit is right you should not feel too cold while on the bike, but the sensation of holding a hot coffee in your cupped hands as you feel your sweat turning cold and then the sensation of the hot shower hitting the shoulder blades is hard to top.
9. Non-cyclists. Their reaction is priceless when they learn that you were out there while they were turning up the heater in the SUV on their way to a 3,000 calorie brunch. "Today? You're insane!'
10. The feeling. You did it when others didn't.0 Comments