Details to be Confirmed.

A Gravel Ride in Chester County, PA.

What type of bike and/or tires should I run?

Cross-type bikes are recommended with a minimum of a 28c tire, but a 32/35c (or bigger!) is better with some kind of grip/knobs.  Slicks and Road Shoes are not recommended, something with some tread is best, and you may have to walk a little.

Mountain bikes are fine, just know there is pavement too, so you gotta pedal that heavy beast.  Maybe slap some Cross tires on that 29er?

We don’t receommend Fat Bikes, but if you want to run it, well…

Will food be served?

Yes.  At The Brewery!  You can purchase food and beverages.  It is not included with the Entry Fee.

I may get tired and not be able to ride the entire course, can I bail if I need to?

Look.  You're an adult, on a bike, on open roads with cars and trucks and what-not, in November, in Amish Country, riding and decending fast gravel roads, and even a powerline route, to go drink beer after a few hours on a bike.

You can bail, but you should expect to be ridiculed by the other riders that complete the full course. Bring your smart phone, or a GPS, or a smart friend with a smart GPS.  

You're on your own.  Ride Smart.  Be Smart.  

Don't sign up for this if you think you can't make it.

Wait?  What?  There is schwag? Yes, there will be a schwag raffle at the completion of the ride. 

Event date is subject to change

At a Glance
  • 25 Nov 2018 9:00am (TBC)
  • Tickets Not On Sale
  • Gravel FondoGravel FondoParkersburg, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Up to 62 miles (100 km)
  • Unknown CostFrom USD
3127 Lower Valley Road,Parkersburg,Pennsylvania,19330,USA