With four routes to choose from and local, organic bounty at every rest stop, the Tour d’Organics is a west county cycling event not to be missed! Unlike other rides, the ride food we offer is organic, fresh, and locally sourced. The Tour d'Organics offers an educational experience, fueling your athletic pursuits in a way that is healthy for you and the planet.

Century riders are in for a truly unique, challenging, and beautiful ride taking in the huge variety of topography and microclimates in our county. The ride first travels into the southern hills of Sebastopol and northern Marin, through the town of Bloomfield, before visiting 3 Ox Farm on Blucher Valley road. From there the route goes north to Graton, where the 100 milers join the metric century riders. At that point, the century and metric century riders stay together all the way home.

The Tour d'Organics end of ride expo will be great. We've got bands lined up providing the music, Organic local foods for the end of ride meal, Lagunitas beer on tap, wine of all kinds, water, soda, coffee, and tea. Your ride registration includes a meal ticket (yum!) and a drink ticket (hooray!). Other food vendors will be there for you to purchase their fare and fabulous produce from two of the farms on the ride - Three Ox Farm and Gabriel Farm. We've also got some great exhibitors lined up.

From the Road Manager:

Welcome to the Tour d’Organics! We have a terrific day planned for you. You will enjoy amazing organic farms, great food, and wonderful scenery. But, as an avid cyclist, the true star of the ride is the ride itself! Sonoma County cycling is world class. Many professional racing teams come here to live and train. Amgen Tour of California features our area. Levi Leipheimer has his Gran Fondo here.

Riding in this area though has its challenges. If you have not ridden here before it is helpful to take some precautions. Our roads are hilly. Be prepared for a strenuous day.

Also, our roads are beat up. We have a rural county with hundreds of miles of roads through varied topography. The road maintenance is spotty. So, you need to be extra careful while riding. We have potholes and uneven pavement. Pinch flats are common. It is important that your bike is ready to go when you get here. We have mechanics available and excellent SAG support, but preparation will give you a better day.

Running your tires (maybe not 23mm for this ride) just a little soft really helps with our bumpy roads. But, don’t go too low, or you will pinch flat!

At a Glance
  • 14 Aug 2016 1:30pm
  • Tickets On Sale
  • Tour d'OrganicsTour d'OrganicsSebastopol, California, USA
  • Up to 101 miles (162 km)
  • From 45.00 USD
  • 600 Riders

Extra Information

Register before May 1st and receive a 10% discount off your ride!

A post-ride meal is included for all participants.

Tour d' Organics is a fundraiser for the Sebastopol Community Cultural Center, which serves the recreational, enrichment, and entertainment needs of West Sonoma County.

Buy Ticket Event Website